02 August 2012

Currently Reading...

What a Professor Learned By Becoming a Student

Since I chose the non-traditional route of living at home as a freshman in college... I'm hoping it'll give me some insight into what college life living on campus is like. So far, I'm really enjoying it.. but it makes me wonder how accurate it is. I can totally see her point of students sharing their thoughts and realness to other students over their professors... I mean Ryan met some guys in some of his classes that openly admitted cheating to him & other students when the professor wasn't around. hmph, so I see her points on this, a reason for going "undercover". I can't wait to see what else is to come and the other truths that she discovers... maybe it'll make me feel like I wish all of my professors would do this, but then again it may make me say "so glad my professors don't know those things about our generation". Who knows?

I also checked out this book from our local library...

It's been a while since I've read a good classic. & I'm not familiar with H.G. Wells. I think the last time I read an English language classic was back in my American Literature course... I read books like, The Scarlet Letter, Huck Finn, The Awakening, The Sovereignty & Goodness of God, The Life of Frederick Douglass, & other such text... boy it's been a while. I've been so caught up in reading French Literature that I've been slacking on my American, British & other classics. But I sure do love French Literature & it would be really hard for me to give it up for some of those I mentioned... is that wrong of me?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to these books, I should be able to get a few more from the library too before the semester starts... then it's back to history journals, research & French Lit. but hey, I'm not complaining yet! ;)

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